Connecting shopper to your store

Expand your reach and skyrocket your sales with Briskk!

Join Briskk today to transform your store into a digital powerhouse. Effortlessly engage shoppers and provide a seamless shopping journey that drives loyalty and growth.

Engaged shoppers connecting with a store through Briskk's AI-driven platform
Consumer trend

Going after the projected 2.2 trillion usd retail market by 2030

Consumers seek a streamlined, predictable, and personalized shopping experience that saves time.

Digital Adoption

70% Indian internet users will shop online by 2025, making omnichannel solutions vital for growth.

Source: Statista


62% Shoppers prefer hands-on assistance, but physical stores lack the convenience and deals of online shopping.

Source: Retail Dive


80% Consumers prefer brands with tailored recommendations, making personalization crucial.

Source: Epsilon


What benefits I will get?

Unlock increased sales potential and optimise operational costs.
Boost store footfall and increase high order value with Briskk's solutions

Increased Sales

Increased Conversion

Engagement before visiting stores, hourly configurable deals over and above store offers and a larger collection leads to better conversion.

Increased Footfall

Targeted ads, abandoned cart recovery, referrals via social sharing, and coordinated mega shopping festivals will lead to higher footfall.

Higher Avg Order Value

Cross-selling and upselling in-store by utilizing consumer shopping behavior recorded outside/inside the store.

Enhanced operational efficiency and staff productivity with Briskk's platform

Operational Efficiency

Increased Staff Output

Staff can use the app to upsell, cross-sell, and manage customers according to the consumer history, enhancing sales staff efficiency.

Lower Cost of Key Services

Streamlined operations reduce costs by automating checkout, centralizing logistics, and managing initial inquiries and hardware expenses.

Higher Inventory but Lesser Space

With the power of the app, in-store consumers can see beyond the display, resulting in better utilization of space.

Why briskk?

How briskk solves this problem?

One app to bring all stores on one platform, with unified experience for consumers across stores/brands

Marketplace Model

Multiple brands on one platform means more visibilty.


Enhanced product discovery before visiting store and in-store

Saves time and money

Quick checkouts with dynamic pricing and payment offers.


Targeted reach based on consumer purchase cycle.

Watch a video

How retail is evolving globally

The sample video showcases how store experiences can be enhanced for customers and employees.
Credit: Samsung Business USA

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Onboard on briskk platform by channelBlend Technologies

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